Appointments Emmakliek

The Emma Clinic is open from Monday through Friday from 13.00 p.m. till 17.00 p.m. Also, appointments can be made by phone. The telephone number is +3153 – 4317937. The operations are performed on Monday and Wednesday.

The address is:
Emmastraat 186-188
7513 BG Enschede.

Dutch law
Under Dutch law, only licensed hospitals and clinics are permitted to carry out abortions.

Five-day consideration period
According to Dutch law, women must consider their decision to terminate their pregnancy for a period of at least five days after having discussed the matter with a physician. Treatment can take place as soon as this mandatory five-day reflection period has elapsed. It is possible to have the mandatory primary consultation with a physician in our clinic.

The mandatory waiting period is not necessary, if your period is less than 16 days late.

Girls under 16 require permission from their parents before undergoing an abortion. Minors from 16 years of age may take the abortion decision themselves.

Would you like to make an appointment?

In case you have further questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact us at +3153 - 4317937 or fill out our contact form.

+3153 - 4317937

For information and appointments.


Emmastraat 186-188, 7513 BG Enschede